
Aprenda HTML & CSS (free - PT)
Learn HTML & CSS from the ground up and create websites. Short chapters, tons of exercises.

Learn HTML & CSS (free - EN)
NEW - Work In Progress - 2021
Translated and updated version. Learn HTML & CSS from the ground up and create websites. Short chapters, tons of exercises.

Windmill React UI
The component library for fast and accessible development of gorgeous interfaces.

Windmill Dashboard React
Four 100 scores and PWA ready. Just connect your data.

Windmill Dashboard HTML
No frameworks, no dependencies. Pure, flexible web development.

Tailwind Multi Theme
Tailwind CSS plugin for fast development of dark mode (and more) themes.

Let users share their text selections to social networks, in desktop browsers.
Case study

Unna Tech
Unna is a Brazilian online web technologies courses platform.
Unna offers an environment close to what professional developers use (a.k.a VS Code) to practice concepts introduced previsously with screencasts. Feedback is given in real time through live testing.
I developed every single aspect of this project, from the ground up, and was ready to launch in February/2020, but something out of my control happened...
Responsibilities in the project: design, frontend and backend.
Read a detailed overview